Join us in Portland!
April 23-25, 2024
Thank you to our sponsors who make this conference possible!
Major Sponsors

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Local Contributors

Who should attend?
This conference is aimed at current North American hostel owners, managers, and staff. But those who are interested in starting a hostel are also welcome and will learn so much about running a hostel. We also welcome hostels from outside North America to join us! Simply put, everyone is welcome!
What can you expect?
Join us for two and half days of educational sessions, networking opportunities, and a chance to help workshop how the North American Hostel Association can help hostel owners and operators.
We will start with a gathering at NW Portland Hostel on Tuesday night. Then Wednesday and Thursday will be packed with sessions and include lunch and dinner on both days. Wednesday night'd dinner and party wi be held at the Mission Theatre.We will also have round table discussions and affinity tables to choose what to talk with other hostel operators about throughout the conference.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
Optimizing Google Business
Presented by the CEO of Locl, a trusted marking firm specializing in Google Business profiles.
Revenue Management
Learn about the importance of revenue management and pricing your beds/rooms. Presented by Pricepoint.
Human intervention training
In this session, you will learn specific techniques to help with troublesome guests or outsiders at your hostel.
6 trends shaping the travel landscape
Strategies for adapting to the six trends shaping the travel landscape and ensure long-term growth. Presented by Cloudbeds.
Working with local tourism boards
Travel Portland's VP of International Affairs will discuss how hostels can work with their locaion travel and tourism organizations.
Diversity in hostels
Joe Hindman of Modal Hostel discusses diversity in hostels with an emphasis on the LGBTQ+ community.
Using Hostelworld's LinkUps
Use Hostelworld's LinkUps to your advantage! Learn all about the ins and outs to posting your activities.
The state of youth travel
Hostelworld will talk to us about the current state of youth travel-- particularly in North America.
Insurance needs for hostels
Learn about insurance needs and get your questions answered by an expert in the insurance field.
How NAHA can help hostels
We want to hear from you! How can NAHA best help hostels in North America? What would you like to see us do together?